Senior Adults • Mission


We meet approximately four times a year at 9:00am for one hour. We send cards from the parish for weddings, births and deaths. Along with birthday wishes to all nursing home residents, we also throw a birthday party at Nursing home in February. We hold a remembrance service in November for those who have died. We plan two Masses with Anointing of the Sick: Harvest and Spring Graces. We also help set up for the annual Seder Meal.

Contact: Lorrayne Traut, 320-352-3610


Our Lady of the Angels

A group of women who want to answer the call of the Church to be mission-minded by praying for missionary’s and making quilts and other items to give to people who are in need. Our group meets the third Tuesday in November, December, March, April and May. We make items on our own and in April we tie quilts together; in May they are sent off. Dues are $10 and anyone can join.

Contact: Marlene Jennissen, 320-352-3321


St. Paul’s

We do charitable quilting and give them to the mission office in St. Cloud. We would love more people to join. We do tie quilts so anyone can learn. We meet the second Thursday of the month in St. Paul’s Church basement for a meeting, tie up to two quilts and have a small luch. We have $3 dues per year to help us buy supplies.

Contact: Joan Kortan, 320-352-3885