
This year, we at St. Alexius, Our Lady of the Angels and St. Paul’s are emphasizing the virtue of hospitality. Our goal is to become a welcoming community that extends a friendly invitation to each member to become active in building the Body of Christ. In our parishes, “Let Me Be Your Servant” is an appropriate theme as we strive to live as Jesus taught us.

Just as Jesus welcomes every person with open arms, we welcome the presence and involvement of our our members—whether they are longtime parishioners, new families, or just recently returning to the Church. Just like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son, God welcomes each and every one of us to come home. As a community of faith, we strive to show Christ’s love and kindness to those we encounter. This year, during our annual Stewardship Renewal, will you prayerfully discern how God is calling you to be His servant in welcoming others?